Monday, April 21, 2008

Golf Lessons

I am taking golf lessons-again! It has been amazing as my new instructor has basically been undoing what my other golf instructor had taught me in the past. You see, golf has been frustrating for me because I am a relatively decent athlete. I can play most sports fairly well, and even have the ability to adjust my game in the misdt of competition. But not in golf, I just stink. My new teacher though, he's different. For the first time, golf seems to make sense to me.
Now let me make it clear, I still stink, but I finally know why I stink. Hopefully, I will improve on the course.
Isn't it amazing how the right teacher, at the right time, can make something that seems obscure make sense when no one else could? So, here is to all the teachers in my past and present, that have made things make sense-you are awesome. May you never stop teaching, and may we all never stop learning.

1 comment:

gla said...

and you are twice as humble today as you were glad you have an awesome golf teacher. i agree the right teacher can be a dynamic force in our short and long game. thanks mrs. harvey, mrs. finley, mom, mrs. hatler, and mr.'re lives have made an indelible mark on my life...i love you doug and so proud of you